World has not faced calamity like virus in last 100 years. More than a million people have lost their lives. Virus is spreading diseases like influenza, coronavirus, Pneumonia, Herpes Zoster, cold and cough, etc.

Virus can enter our body through nose, mouth and eyes and can infect our cells by bonding itself with electric charge and insert it genetic material into cell with great force and hijack it to make extra copies of virus. According to Dr Evilevitch Professor of Carnegie university USAvirus has a distinct charge and one way to thwart the virus might be a small electrical charge molecule to counter act that. It might be DNA / RNA inside (capsule)or decrease the strength of its release. Other possible way of dampening the virus ejection forces would be to find molecule that could break the envelop of virus. By achieving these two properties in medicine is sure way of thwarting virus and marvellously insidious ability of virus to keep mutating and keep us sick.
Strangely in AtharvedaNashnaSaunaka Sakha, 2nd Kanda, 31st and 32ndSukta mentions about KrimiNashanaSukhtam to destroy Virus / Bacteria in Air and Water. According to veda virus effects body by entering through nostrils, eyes and through mouth between teeth. It mentions that you can kill virus by electrical charge, fire and by smelling herbs and by consuming herbs and names of herbs are also given.

Keeping in mind Dr Evilevitch theory and ancient Indian wisdom as mentioned in Atherveda and SushutSanhita and other Ayurvedic books we developed Ayurvedic medicine SAIRUB Heal blend of precious Ayurvedic ingredients for healing people by viral infection like cold cough, Pneumonia, influenza, coronavirus, and other viral infections.


Sairub Heal

As virus enters our body through nostrils mouth and eyes, we can apply SAIRUB Heal on nostrils, mouth and face and hands to counter it at entry point and can be inhaled with steam to tackle in upper / lower respiratory system. This would help not infecting other parts of body and will stop spread of virus, also person to person and community transfer also.
